Tuesday, March 10, 2020

March 9-13, 2020

Reading: Unit 5 begins this week. Our theme is “How do people and things get from here to there?” The first story is an animal fantasy called “Max Takes the Train.” It will teach realism and fantasy while discussing different types of transportation. The students will have some practice with sentences that ask questions. The amazing words are: plane, jetway, subway, tunnel, ferryboat, and sidecar. The sight words are: yellow, blue, and green.

Phonics: All letters and sounds are practiced in words daily. This week’s focus is on two letters: Jj and Ww. We will work with the /j/ sound, as in jaguar; along with the /w/ sound, as in watermelon.

Math: Topic 4’s “Understanding Addition” will be tested this week. This topic teaches joining groups, using the plus sign, finding sums, and writing addition sentences. Topic 5, “Understanding Subtraction,” will also be introduced this week. We will use stories to separate and take away objects in groups. Math vocabulary includes subtract, minus, equal, and difference.


~Please return the the “I’m a Reader” forms if your child participated in the newspaper reading suggestions. Don’t forget to sign the paper and initial each day of the week.

~The PTO Basket Raffle will be held on April 25th and 26th.  Our class will compose a “Cold Drinks” basket.  All donations will be greatly appreciated

~ Please remember to continue practicing sight words daily. Also practice writing sentences with a capital letter at the beginning, finger spaces between words, and a punctuation mark at the end.

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