Monday, December 26, 2016

December 23, 2016- January 6, 2017

It is hard to believe 2016 is already coming to an end. The students have been working very hard and are showing so much progress. They deserve this much needed holiday break. Enjoy your time together. We will start back strong in the new year!

Reading: Our next story is called “George Washington Visits.” It is a historical fiction book that compares how  today’s life is different from life hundreds of years ago. The amazing words presented are: celebration, barn, arch, sprinted, blacksmith, and soldier. The sight words we will focus on are: look and see. Cause and effect is the skill practiced in order to build comprehension.

Phonics: Two letters are taught throughout the story. Dd and Kk are the feature letters. Since k and c make the same sound, the students will learn to use “k” to spell the /k/ sound when it is followed by e, i, or y; /k/ is spelled with “c” when it is followed by a, o, u.  (ex. key, kite, lucky. Cat, cop, cut)

Math: Topic 4 will be completed and tested. This unit compares and orders numbers from 0 through 10.


~ School will be closed from December 24th- January 2nd. School resumes on Tuesday, January 3rd.

~ Outdoor recess continues throughout the winter. Please dress your child appropriately for the cold weather.

~ Please remember to practice the sight words and fundamental skills over the break. (letters and sounds, counting to 100, writing 0-20) Also take time to have your child practice reading with words they can sound out and blend.

~ January 3rd will be Day 7 on the rotation schedule.


Tuesday: Music     Wednesday: Computers     Thursday: Library     Friday: Art

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!     ~Mrs. Green

Friday, December 9, 2016

Week of December 12-16, 2016

The holiday spirit is in full season. We are getting so excited, yet there is still so much learning to be done. We are trying our best to stay focused and meet our goals.

Our Reading story is called “Little Quack.” This animal fantasy will focus on plot (The important things that guide a story). We will read about a duckling that learns new things as he gets older. This gives us the opportunity to discuss verbs that are happening now and in the past. The amazing words presented in the story are: duckling, pond, paddle, plunges, proud, and brave. The targeted sight words are: me, with, and she. (As always, remember to practice sight words daily.)

Our Phonics letter of the week is Rr. The /r/ sound, as in rabbit, will be prevalent in our lessons with segmenting, blending, reading, and rhyming words.

We just began Topic 4 in Math. This unit compares and orders numbers from 0 through 10. Please continue to practice counting to 100 and writing the numerals 0-20.


~Please remember to have your child dressed to withstand the cold weather. Outside recess still prevails!

~The Holiday Concert will be held this Saturday (12/10/16) in the high school auditorium. Kindergarten will perform at 10:00am. Please have your child arrive by 9:30.

~Wednesday, December 14th is scheduled as a 2 hour data delay.

~The PTO is sponsoring the “Brainshowmania.” Our students will attend this event in the gymnasium on Thursday, December 15th.

~Bowl for Kids Sake donation pledge envelopes are due on Friday, December 16th.


Monday: Computers     Tuesday: Library     Wednesday: Art      Thursday: Gym     Friday: Music

Have a remarkable week!

~ Mrs. Green

Monday, December 5, 2016

Week of December 5-9, 2016

The most wonderful time of the year is upon us. This season brings great excitement, as well as busy schedules. However, we are continuing to work hard, as our lessons become more challenging.  

Unit 3 will begin in Reading this week. This unit discusses changes that occur around us. The first story is called “Little Panda.” This nonfictional story explains how a panda changes in its first year of life. The children will see how a panda and her mother are alike, as well as how they are different. This helps us practice ways to compare and contrast subjects. Verbs will be the grammar focus. Our amazing words are: weigh, measure, healthy, bamboo, curious, and explore. New sight words presented this week include: me, with, and she.

Phonics will focus on two letters. Letter Bb will still be practiced. Letter Nn will be introduced.

Math: Six to Ten will be finished and tested this week. The students are required to count, read, and write the numbers 6-10. Topic 4 focuses on comparing and ordering numbers 0 to 10.


~Outdoor recess occurs each day, unless there is rain, snow, or a severely low temperature. Please have your child dress according to the weather. (ex. winter coat, hat, mittens, etc.)

~Mark your calendars…The Christmas Concert is scheduled for Saturday, December 10th at the high school auditorium. Kindergarten will hit the stage at 10:00am. Please have your child arrive by 9:30 in order to prepare.

~Please continue to practice the alphabet letters/sounds, sight words, counting to 100, and writing the numbers 0-20.


Monday: Computers   Tuesday: Book Exchange   Wednesday: Art   Thursday: Gym   Friday: Music

Thank you and have a bright, new week!

~ Mrs. Green