Monday, February 5, 2018

Week of February 5-9, 2018
We had a "super" 100th Day of School!

Reading: “My Lucky Day” is our new story. This animal fantasy tells about a fortunate adventure involving a piglet and a fox. We will be exploring cause and effect, as well as action parts in a sentence. The Amazing Words for the week are: piglet, lucky, cook, fox, filthy and scrubber. The Sight Words: are, that and so will be rehearsed.

Phonics: The focus letter is Ll. The sound for this letter is /l/, as in lemon. We will explore this sound in the beginning and end of words.

Math:  Topic 5 (Numbers to 20) will be tested this week.  In this unit we count, read, and write numbers 11-20. (Please continue practicing writing the numbers 0-20 at home, along with counting to 100.) Topic 6 will also begin this week. This unit teaches numbers to 100. It will start by counting to 30, and estimating items. Our estimations will determine if objects are closer to 10 or 20.


~ Remember to have your child wear a winter coat to school daily. We go outside for recess as often as possible. It is too cold to wear only sweatshirts. 

~ Please practice sight words daily. Also go over class work that is sent home. This helps to reinforce the concepts learned throughout the day.

~Friday, 2/9/17 is our Valentine party from 2:00-3:00.  Please have cards sent in on time.


Monday- Gym     Tuesday- Art     Wednesday- Computers     Thursday- Music     Friday- Guidance

Have a lovely week!

~ Mrs. Green

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