Sunday, September 24, 2017

Week of September 25, 2017

Reading: “Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip” is our new story. This story is used to discuss how people in a community cooperate. In order to build comprehension, we will learn how to classify and categorize. This will help us understand how things are alike in a story.  This week’s Amazing Words are: bakery, park, library, fire station, post office, and chaperone. We will be reading the sight words: I, am, at, the, little, yes, and no.
Phonics: We are focusing on beginning sounds in words this week. We will also keep practicing breaking words apart into syllables, as well as blending syllables to make words. Rhyming is being taught daily. The letters of the week are: Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, and Zz.
Math: Please review the 2D shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon; along with the 3D shapes: cylinder, cone, sphere, cube. Topic 14 will be tested this week. Students will need to identify these shapes. They will also need to determine what shape is found on the flat surface of a 3D shape.  The next topic in math will teach the location and position of shapes.
Science: We will discuss how we observe things to learn about the world around us. We will be observing apples for the start of fall.

- Please remember to check your child’s folder EVERY night
- Sight words should be practiced daily.  Also practice letter names and sounds.
- September reading logs (from the book buddy pocket of your child’s folder) are due Friday, September 29th. 15 books are the goal!
- October 5th will be the Fall Festival. Please send in your $3.00 donation ASAP if you have not done so. Thank you to those who already contributed!
- Monday is Day 9 on the rotation schedule. 
Have a wonderful week!

~ Mrs. Green

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