April 29-May 3, 2019 

Reading: Unit 6 begins this week. The stories discuss building homes. Our first story is called “Building with Dad.” It shows how schools are built. Compare and contrast is the comprehension skill we will review. The amazing words are: groundbreaking, foundation, waterproof, trenches, welding, gleaming. The sight words for the week are: here, do, little, with, what.
Phonics: Vowel sounds will be reviewed and practiced.
Math: Coins & Personal Financial Literacy will be completed and this week. The unit teaches how to identify coins and their value in order to count money, discusses why we have money and what it is used for, and explains the importance of spending and saving. The children are loving the coin songs and games that are enhancing these skills!
~April Book Logs are due on Wednesday. The goal is 15 books. Remember take home books also count.
~ The reading teachers will soon begin their end of the year testing. Your child will be required to write dictated sentences. (They must use capital letters at the beginning, finger spaces between words, and punctuation at the end. For words they do not know how to spell: have them sound out the word and write the sounds they hear.) They will also need to identify, write, and give the sound (along with a word) for each letter of the alphabet. Another assessment will determine how many words can be written correctly in a 10 minute time frame. Practice word writing regularly. Remind your child to use sight words, word families, colors, numbers, familiar names, etc.
~The last round of DIBELS testing will also
be taking place in May. The reading portion will have children identifying
letters, segmenting words (jump /j/,/u/,/m/,/p/), and
reading nonsense words (nuv, deg, baz…) . Each section will be timed for 1
minute, therefore speed is important. In the Math portion, students will
compare number quantities (quickly determine which set of dots has more &
state the number in that set), identify numbers 0-100, and name the next number
~Kindergarten Graduation will take place on Tuesday, May 28th. Your child will be receiving 5 tickets and more information at a later date.
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