April 15-18, 2019
Reading: Our story this week is called "On the Move!” It is an
informational text that will discuss how people in different parts of the world
travel. We will review Main Idea to
enhance our comprehension skills. We will also learn more about nouns in
sentences. The amazing words from the story are: travel, llama, submarine,
kayak, dogsled, and double-decker bus. The targeted sight words are:
when and come.
Phonics: Two letters will be targeted this week. We will
work with the letters Vv (with the /v/ sound as in van) and Zz (with
the /z/ sound as in zebra).
Math: Unit 7 (Time, Data, and
Measurement) will be tested this week. We are having so much fun measuring
items according to length, height, weight, and capacity! We also enjoyed
exploring the parts of a clock and telling time to the hour. (We don’t want to
be late if we have an important date!) Finally, we are graphing information to
organize our data.
send Spring photo payments in as soon as possible. If you are not purchasing
the pictures, please return the package.
is No School on Friday, April 19th.
thanks for the basket raffle donations! The raffle will be held on April 27th
& 28th. Remember to stop by to try your luck and place a ticket
in our basket!
Please continue to practice all sight words daily. Congratulations to the
students who are able to read all 96 words! The goal is definitely in reach for
those who are not quite there yet.
writing words and sentences. Sentences should start with a capital letter,
contain a space between words, and have an end mark.
children are doing a wonderful job blending words to read stories. Remember to
take some time to have your child read to you each night. They feel so proud
when they realize they can read stories on their own!

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