Halloween provided a full
week of excitement in our classroom. Thank
you for all of the donations we received to help us celebrate the holiday. We
are now moving into the Thanksgiving spirit. These special events help fuel our
positive mood to make us more productive learners!
Reading: Our story for the week is an animal fantasy called “Bear Snores On.” Realism and fantasy will be discussed. Simple rhyme and repeated sentences will give students the opportunity to join in the reading process. We will look for adjectives that describe the size, number, color, and shape of nouns. The amazing words we will explore include: sleep, winter, cave, woods, storm, and blustery. The sight words to focus on are: like, my, and we.
Phonics: Cc is
the letter of the week. The initial and final /k/ sound will be practiced.
(Example: cat, rock)
Math: Our unit of numbers
0-10 will wrap up this week. We will be moving right on with numbers to 20.
Please continue to practice counting and writing those numbers at home. We will
also continue to work on missing numbers in Spring Math. Counting forward and
backward seems to be helping with this challenging skill.
*Students are no
longer permitted to wear shorts to school. Shorts will return in the Spring.
*The colder weather
does not stop us from outdoor recess. Please make sure your child is wearing a
warm coat. Also, please practice having your child put on their coat
independently. This includes pulling out inside out sleeves, zipping, and
There will be no school for students on Monday, November 11th.
*Please continue to practice sight words as well as the following skills:
letters & sounds, syllables, rhyming, counting to 100, and writing numbers
& letters correctly. We have been blending letter sounds to read words. You can
notice your child’s progress when you listen to them read simple texts that are
sent home.
Specials: Monday:Gym Tuesday:Music Wednesday:Art Thursday:Library Friday:Gym
Thank you for your continuous
~ Mrs. Green
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