Monday, February 18, 2019

Love is in the air!

Week of February 18-22, 2019
Reading:  After completing the lessons for “My Lucky Day,” we will begin to read “One Little Mouse.” This is an animal fantasy discusses adventures that animals can experience. Story sequence will be stressed in these lessons. The amazing words presented are: woodland, vale, comfortable, nest, hollow, and shadows. The targeted sight words are: one, two, three, four, and five. We will also learn what parts are needed in a sentence to make it complete.
Phonics:  Consonant blends will be introduced this week. The students will learn how to blend two sounds together in a word. (ex. /s/ and /l/ together make a /sl/ sound, as in slide.

Math: The students are continuing to learn how to understand addition. We are using stories showing how to join groups and count how many items there are altogether. The plus and equal sign will be used to write addition sentences.

~Don’t forget to log the books you are reading. 15 is the goal for each month!

Thank you for all of the Valentines that were sent to school. The children really enjoyed passing out their messages to their friends. They also appreciated the treats that were sent in for the party. You helped to make our day extra special!

Mon. Music   Tues. Guidance  Wed. Gym  Thurs. Art  Fri. Computers

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