Monday, January 28, 2019

Fun at the Run!
January 28- February 1, 2019 

Reading: Unit 4 begins this week. The stories in this section will discuss adventures. The first story is Eric Carle’s animal fantasy, “Rooster’s Off to See the World.” Our comprehension skill to focus on this week is Sequence (the order of events in a story).  The new amazing words to explore are: world, trip, journey, lonely, horizon, and homesick. The sight words to featured sight words include: are, do, and that.

Phonics:  Our letter of the week is Hh. The initial /h/ sound (as in helicopter) will be the focus.

Math: Topic 3 will be tested this week. Children should be able to compare and order numbers to 20. Please practice counting backward. Some children are having difficulty with the number that comes before a given number. Also practice using the words greater & fewer, along with more & less. Topic 4 also begins this week. These lessons will introduce the concept of addition. We will begin with joining groups to make a larger group.

Class News:

~Our 100th day is only a few days away! On Thursday, January 31st we will be completing activities involving the concept of 100. Students are encouraged to dress as if they were 100 years old. (If there is a snow day before that, the day will be pushed back to the following day).

~Saturday, February 2nd is Groundhog Day. We will be discussing Punxsutawney Phil and graphing our predictions. Remember to check Phil’s weather report!

~ We will also make Superbowl predictions on Friday in class. Since the game will not conclude until well past bedtime, the children can check their picks on Monday morning!

~ A Valentine letter will be sent home during the week. It will include a class list of names for Valentine cards.


Mon. Guidance    Tues. Gym     Wed. Art    Thurs. Computers     Fri. Music

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