Friday, September 23, 2016

                Week of September 26- October 30, 2016

Reading: Our new story, “Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip,” will help us answer the essential question, “How do people in a community cooperate?” In order to build comprehension, we will learn how to classify and categorize. This will help us understand how things are alike in a story.  This week’s Amazing Words are: bakery, park, library, fire station, post office, and chaperone. We will keep reading the sight words: I, am, at, the, little, yes, and no.

Phonics: We will continue to focus on initial sounds this week. We will also keep practicing breaking words apart into syllables, as well as blending syllables to make words. Rhyming is being taught daily. The letters of the week are: Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, and Zz.

Math: Topic 15 (The location and position of shapes) will conclude this week. Please review the 2D shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon; along with the 3D shapes: cylinder, cone, sphere, cube. Try to use positional words at home with your child such as: above/on/below, inside/outside, in front of/behind, and most importantly left/right. We will be moving on to Topic 16, which focuses on Analyzing, Comparing, and Composing Shapes. The essential question to answer is “How can shapes be named, described, compared, and composed?” These lessons will include objects that are the same size and same shape, as well as making shapes by using other shapes.

Science: We will discuss how we observe things to learn about the world around us. This will include an introduction to science tools, such as a hand lens and balance.


    - Please remember to help your child complete daily homework and place it in the return side of the folder the following day. The “keep” items should stay at home.

    - Review sight words every day. Also practice letter names and sounds.

    - September reading logs (from the book buddy pocket of your child’s folder) are due Friday, September 30th. 15 books are the goal!

    - October 6th will be the Fall Festival. Please send in your $3.00 donation ASAP if you have not done so. Thank you to those who already contributed!

Specials: Monday- Computers   Tuesday- Library    Wednesday- Art   Thursday- Gym   Friday- Music

Have a good week!

~ Mrs. Green

Sunday, September 18, 2016

                  Week of September 19-23, 2016                        

 Our next Reading story is called “ Plaidypus .” This fictional story will be used to discuss how families cooperate. Comprehension will be taught using the early literacy skill of sequencing. We will determine the order in which things happen in a story. Our “Amazing Words” for the week are: platypus, around, lost, found, market, and groceries. The new sight words taught will be the and little. Letter  recognition will include: Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, and Ss. Phonics will focus on initial sounds and sound discrimination.

            We will begin Topic 15 in Math. This unit teaches concepts related to the position and location of shapes. We will use words such as inside/outside, above; below, and on; in front of/behind; and left/right.


-Please remember to check folders daily. The “return” items should be sent back promptly. The “Keep” items should be removed from the folder immediately. (Extra papers that are left cause confusion when trying to organize ourselves). Review the schoolwork with your child to reinforce the concepts.

-Practice sight words DAILY!

-Continue to review your child’s 4 digit or 5 digit number. This is an important tracking number for school information.

-The PTO will be hosting a Fall Festival for Kindergarten on Thursday, October 6th. An individual $3.00 donation will be appreciated in order to provide a fun-filled day for your child. Please send in your donation if you have not already done so.

            Thanks for your cooperation. Have a great week!

                                    ~ Mrs. Green  

Monday, September 12, 2016

Week of September 12, 2016

Congratulations! You and your child have made it through the hardest part of kindergarten. The first two weeks can be tough when transitioning into the school setting. Everyone seems to be adjusting well. The children are becoming more familiar with the rules and procedures. I am happy with their progress!

     The title of this week’s Reading story is “We Are So Proud.” It is a fictional story that will discuss how children work and play together. The comprehension skill that will be introduced is setting (the time and place of a story). The amazing words in the story are: proud, cooperation, float, preparation, creation, and guide.

     The Phonics skill to focus on will be syllables (word parts).  We will also visit the letters: Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, and Nn. The sight words to learn are: I, am, and at.

     In Math we will continue to identify and describe shapes. We will talk about solid figures (cone, cylinder, sphere, cube) and flat surfaces.


~ School pictures will be taken on Tuesday, September 13th. All students will be photographed and required to follow the school dress code. If you choose to purchase a package, payments are due by Tuesday morning. You can also send payments to school on Monday. This would alleviate the bustle on picture day.

~ Please remember to check your child’s folder EVERY day. Remove the “left at home” items. Review the concepts that were taught. Check the “right back to school” items. This side of the folder contains homework and important papers that should be returned promptly. When sending a note or paperwork to school, please place it in the “return” side.

~ Please conduct a daily review of the sight words found on the list in your child’s folder. Repetition helps improve fluency with these words.

~ Continue to practice your child’s 4-digit or 5-digit number. They use this daily in the cafeteria, as well as to log into the computers.

I appreciate your support. Have a great week!

~ Mrs. Green

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Week of September 6-9, 2016

We had a great first week of kindergarten. These first few weeks are a huge transition for your child. It takes some time to learn the rules and procedures in our structured environment. The students are doing a wonderful job. We have an exciting year ahead!

We will begin Reading with the story, “The Little School Bus.” This selection will be used to introduce characters in a story. There are six “amazing words” that accompany this story: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. The first sight words to focus on are: I and am. We will discuss rhyming words and the letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, and Ee.

In Math we are identifying and describing shapes. Our focus will be on rectangles, squares, circles, triangles, and hexagons. Knowing these shapes will lead us to learn about solid figures and flat surfaces.


° Please remember to check your child’s folder EVERY day. Remove the “left at home” items and review the concepts that were taught. Check for the “right back to school” items. This side of the folder contains homework along with important papers. Please return them promptly.

° All completed school forms must be sent back immediately.

° Your child should continue to wear his/her bus tag to school. This helps to avoid confusion and keeps everyone moving in the right direction during the first few weeks in this new environment.

° It is very important for your child to learn his/her 4-digit (or 5-digit) number. Keep practicing this daily.

° School pictures will be taken on Tuesday, September 13th. All students will be photographed and required to follow the school dress code. If you choose to purchase a package, payments are due by that date.

Thank you for your cooperation and have a wonderful holiday weekend!

~Mrs. Green